The amount of lands in Peru dedicated to conservation and mining respectively have grown with very similar trajectories over the last two decades. This map shows the geography of this growth. For the most part the activities take place in distinct places and spaces, but this map also reveals how the two activities overlap. There is a color version of the map and it has been incorporated into a video of which a short version was published by National Geographic.
The data for the 1990s was hard to find, but with persistence in Lima over several years, it became available. Now the data is online at geocatmin, a system maintained by the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM).
The GIS was first constructed in ArcMap and then the coverage data was aggregated and exported for the graph. The final layout was constructed ArcMap, exported and then finished in Photoshop.
This map appears in “Shared Social License: mining and conservation in the Peruvian Andes” in the journal Antipode, doi: 10.1111/anti.12300.